Get Involved

We’re a community-based organisation with strong tenant participation and involvement, and we aim to keep it that way.

getting involved 2022

Everyone is concerned about how their home and neighbourhood are managed, but not everyone wants to get on a committee and start running things so we give you a chance to get involved in a way that suits you.

Express your views from the comfort of your own home

If you want to put your views forward but would prefer to do it from home then we carry out regular surveys and set up text consultation groups which you can take part in. There might be one off certain topics that you would like to have a say on.

Tenants' Forum

Any tenants can come along to our Tenants' Forum. It takes place 4 times a year, generally from 4.30pm - 6.30pm, light refreshments are provided. Topics are decided in advance of the meetings and are generally issues that have been decided by the Forum on matters they wish to discuss.

Getting Involved Group

Tenants are very welcome to come along to our Getting Involved Group which meets every now and again at Clovenstone Community Centre. This very informal group meets to look at one off issues or projects to help us make sure we're taking your views into account when making decisions. 

Become a member

If you want to get involved in running Prospect you can become a member (it costs just £1). Thereafter, you can vote at our Annual General Meeting for who will be on our management committee, or even become a member of the committee if you wish.  You can download an application form at the bottom of this page.


Prospect aims to ensure that tenants always come first.  We are very keen to receive any suggestions or comments you may have that could help us improve services.

If you are interested in getting involved in any of these ways, please let us know, you'll always be welcome.

Membership Application

If you want to get involved in running Prospect you can become a member (it costs just £1). Download and complete our online form for further details.

Download Membership Application - docx

Get in touch

Prospect Community Housing
6 Westburn Ave,
Wester Hailes,
EH14 2TH